


在2019 年 3月10日-12日,由中国(广州)国际美博会、中华全国工商业联合会美容化妆品业商会皮肤管理教育专业委员会、亚洲皮肤美容协会以及中国国际皮肤管理大赛组织委员会联合举办的第七届中国国际皮肤管理大赛在广州圆满落幕。本次大赛以“致美青春梦”为主题,旨在为“美业追梦人”打造更具中国特色的美业皮肤管理大赛,推动民族美业的的蓬勃发展



How to use the carton handheld printer Pay attention to these matters when using

Abstract Carton hand-held inkjet printer, also known as portable inkjet printer, is a portable inkjet printer. It can be carried with you, and it is light and easy to operate. Carton handheld printers are widely used in workshops, warehouses, logistics and freight yards, offices, etc. They can print simple product dates, shelf life, models, specifications and other product information, and can als



首先要针对受众群体写一篇合格的海外新闻稿,最好是中文(博展提供新闻稿撰写、翻译服务,本土化手法更加贴近当地受众群体),当然自己能写出优秀的英文稿件也是不错的选择。 其次,针对目标市场的语种需要,不断优化内容。优质的翻译是第一步,把你的海外新闻稿翻译成当地语言,让海外新闻稿更加本土化,然后根据目标受众的口味,做一些适当的调整或改写。

La marque de cosmétiques colle parfaitement à la peau, en mode tricolore

PARISYinrrytung, une marque de cosmétiques populaire née à Paris, choisit le "make up in French style" comme concept de marque. Intégrant les meilleures technologies de recherche et de développement et les tendances les plus avant-gardistes de la mode, Yinrrytung s'est positionné en pionnier en matière de mode des couleurs. La marque se consacre à la combinaison maquillage et soins de la peau, en

IMAS Special Training Camp Opens to Cultivate Elite Traders in 3 Months

Abstract: Recently IMAS(Investment methods and Strategies)opens its a specail training camp of foreign exchange, in which the curriculum mainly includes theory training+practical guidance about fundamental analysis, technical analysis, trading mentality, market trends, risk control and so on. The curriculum targets to solve the problem, and tailors to individual trading methods, to cultivate a new



无论是简单的付费文字广告,还是具有深厚原创功力的各类文章,软文发布【海讯社haixunpr.com】都与传统营销中所使用的文案、广告有很大不同,具备多种特点。 一、主题集中。软文主旨不是零碎的,而是有完整主题的。即使再短的软文,也应提供独特而专一的主题。文案、广告可以是一个简单的口号,如"以取暖器为您带来春天般感受'而软文则可以围绕该取暖器的使用过程,打造出一个XX取暖器为某人带来春天般温暖的故事。

The 22nd China P&E is to be held Apr12-15 in Beijing


Since 1998, China P&E(International Photograph & Electrical Imaging Machinery and Technology Fair) has been successfully held for 21 sessions. Approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the 22nd China P&E will be held in Beijing Exhibition Centre from April 12 to 15, 2019.

Film and foil on inkjet printer solutions

Low density polyethylene (LDPE) and flexible metalized films are widely used in confectionery and savory snack packaging. Soft packaging materials can be seen as the main carrier of modern product packaging. How to achieve perfect and clear marking on soft packaging film and aluminum foil is a problem that the marking industry needs to consider at the beginning of the development of the marking sc

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